Programme 2024


All presentations (both oral and poster) will take place in the Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre at UCL.

The 20 or 30 minute time slots of the oral presentations includes 5 minutes for discussion.

The two poster sessions will be preceded by 2-3 minute micro-talks.

Oral Presentations

9:00-9:25 registration 9:25-9:30 welcome Peter Clift Sergio Andò Yani Najman Post-Glacial Rates of Transport and Recycling of Contrasting Grain-size fractions in the Indus and Mississippi Rivers The mineralogical composition of the Altar Stone at Stonehenge A Critical Appraisal of the Sensitivity of Detrital Zircon U–Pb Provenance Data to Constrain Drainage Network Evolution in Southeast Tibet; a case study highlighting the importance of consideration of recycling in provenance studies. Chris Mark Xiaowei Fu Pedro Dinis Where did the ice melt? The utility of coupled K-feldspar Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, and Pb- isotope analysis applied to mid-Miocene ice-rafted debris in Antarctic marine sediment Middle Eocene initiation of a “lost” large river on the East Asian margin Detrital zircon age framework for the Mesozoic of West Iberia and conjugate Canadian margin Stefan Liedel Alex Lipp Sarah Feil Quantifying Controls on Sediment Generation and Sediment Flux by Means of Quantitative Provenance Analysis Inverting river sediment compositions for the geochemistry of their source regions Provenance, exhumation, and paleo-drainage evolution of the Northern Calabrian forearc, southern Italy 10:40-11:00 coffee 10:40-11:00 coffee 10:40-11:00 coffee Laura Stutenbecker Gareth Roberts Mukhtiar Ghani How to quantify heavy mineral fertility from point-counting data Identifying the sources of geological and environmentally important material in waterways Low temperature thermochronological data constraining the structural evolution of Kirthar fold and thrust Belt (FTB), Western Pakistan. Jan Schönig Matthew Fox Guido Pastore Heavy-mineral grain counting: How to count and how many grains to count? Exploiting nested catchments to map erosion rate from catchment wide cosmogenic-nuclide analyses Provenance studies of African rivers. Is detrital zircon geochronology enough to describe the rivers sediment highway? Byron Adams Maximilian Dröllner Eduardo Garzanti Non-uniform erosion creates false negative in detrital zircon sample Detrital rutile U-Pb-He double-dating and integrated geochemistry fingerprints amagmatic and metamorphic source terranes Anatomy of Niger and Benue River sediments (Nigeria) 12:10-13:30 lunch break 12:10-13:30 lunch break 12:00-13:30 lunch break Carita Augustsson Heinrich Bahlburg Provenance from the whole-rock geochemical composition of terrestrial clastic deposits The Proterozoic to Triassic crustal evolution and provenance of central South America from Hf and O isotopes Milo Barham David Wilson Refining sediment sourcing and routing with detrital garnet Lu-Hf geochronology Tracing paleo-weathering from elemental proxies and Li isotopes in detrital sediments Jim Marschalek Szymon Świątek Differing West Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Recent Pleistocene Interglacial Climates Earthquake’s sedimentological evidence – experimental approach as key to better understanding seismically-induced liquefaction phenomenon 14:40-15:00 coffee 14:40-15:00 coffee István Dunkl Gary Hampson The potential of triple dating using U-Pb-He-Raman age constraints for detrital zircons Downsystem Grain-Size Trends and Mass Balance of an Ancient Wave-Influenced Sediment Routing System: Middle Jurassic Brent Delta, Northern North Sea, Offshore UK and Norway Angana Chaudhuri Akham Thajamanbi Devi Signature of the rising Himalayas recorded in the Tertiary succession of western India – the Kutch Basin U‒Pb, Lu-Hf and O-isotope study of zircon of exotic sandstone of Manipur, Northeast India: implication on the provenance Nils Keno Lünsdorf Hilmar von Eynatten Investigating centennial sedimentary provenance variations in a loess-paleosol sequence at high temporal resolution Provenance analysis of continental redbeds across the Permian to Triassic transition in SW Germany and NE France 16:10-16:30 Micro-talks 16:10-16:30 Micro-talks 16:30-18.00 Posters 16:30-18.00 Posters 15:30-15:50 15:30-15:50 15:50-16:10 15:50-16:10 Discussion on “interpretive bias caused by sample preparation”, led by Carita Augustsson 14:00-14:20 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 14:20-14:40 15:00-15:30 15:00-15:30 11:50-12:10 11:50-12:10 11:40-12:00 13:30-14:00 13:30-14:00 13:30-15:00 11:00-11:30 11:00-11:30 11:00-11:20 11:30-11:50 11:30-11:50 11:20-11:40 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:00-10:20 10:20-10:40 10:20-10:40 10:20-10:40 Tuesday 2nd July Wednesday 3rd July Thursday 4th July 9:30-10:00 9:30-10:00 9:30-10:00

Poster Sessions

Nowrad Ali On the transition from Remnant Tethys Sea to Foreland Basin in the Western Himalaya Jie He Evolution of eastern Asia river systems reconstructed by the mineralogy and detrital-zircon geochronology of modern Pearl and Red River sediments Yani Najman Himalayan source-to-sink dynamics: Hf isotope signatures from the detrital zircon record in Bengal Fan Turbidites (IODP Expedition 354) Ziqiang Zhou What controls sediment grain size export from catchments bounded by normal faults? Norman Urrez Palaeozoic pre-salt basins revealed: understanding tectonostratigraphic evolution in the Norwegian North Sea Simone Seminara Heavy mineral and detrital zircon analyses to reconstruct basin evolution: Insight from the Yukon-Koyukuk basin sandstones, Alaska. Carita Augustsson Analytical bias of XRF vs. ICP-MS/OES for geochemical provenance interpretation Mathilde Levacher Sediment provenance constraints on end-Ordovician glacial dynamics at the Gondwana margin (Crozon Peninsula, France) Martin Roddaz Maastrichtian-Cenozoic erosional history of the northern Peruvian Amazonian Andes implications for the Eastern Cordillera evolution (Huallaga Basin, northern Peru) Xiang Yan Reconciling geologic and paleo-topographic constraints on source to sink sediment fluxes: an example from the Bartonian Pyrenees Suzanne Kairo The state of sandstone petrology in the United States Zengyuan Zhou Diagenetic evolution of Late Cretaceous-Paleogene tuffaceous sandstone in the northern Central Myanmar Basin and its significance for reservoirs Rafaela Maciel Lopes de Paula Effects of the Stabilization of Terra Firme Environments on Sedimentary Deposits in the Western Amazon Elias Rugen Glacially influenced provenance and Sturtian affinity revealed by detrital zircon U-Pb ages from sandstones in the Port Askaig Formation, Dalradian Supergroup Muhammad Khubab Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigations of Bauxite and Laterites Deposits from Salt Range, Lesser Himalayas Pakistan, Implication for Paleoclimate and Provenance. Martin Nauton-Fourteu Past glaciations control on chemical weathering proxies from the sedimentary record in the Southern French Alps Gabriel Moizinho Drainage reorganization of the Amazon Basin in the last 9 Ma Paula Castillo Studying sediment generation at high spatial resolution: a unique set of fluvial sediment samples from Chile Muhammad Usman The Thar Desert as a control of Sediment Flux from the Indus River to the Arabian Sea Martin Roddaz Provenance of the late Jurassic to Cenomanian sedimentary succession of the Araripe Basin (NE Brazil) and implication for the geodynamic evolution of Western Gondwana Maximilian Dröllner Controls on Heavy Mineral composition on a continental scale Tuesday 2nd July 16:30-18.00 Wednesday 3rd July 16:30-18.00